

Yearly Spending

2016 Spending

Percentages of total spending

2017 Projected Budget

Percentage of total estimated spending

6 Month Spending

Numbers represent the percentage of money spent that month. So in a given month $1,000 could repesent 10% and in the next month $500 could represent 10%. Percentage changes based on total amount of expenses.

Budgets Explained 

+ Pastor Pay

Our visionary and a guy that has taken the most risk to bring to life the work that God has given him. Because he is a bi-vocational pastor, it allows for us to allocate more to outreach and other mission critical areas, while still fulfilling the most important role in the church.

1Timothy 5:17–18 says, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.'"

+ Building Improvements

Buildings need maintenance, we've used this budget to replace light bulbs, upgrade leaky toilets, and add lighting to the theater for service.

+ Food

Reaching families is important to us and on a Wednesday nights, we try to put the family first by removing the chore of feeding kids before getting to church. Also, fellowship is so much more natural when we are siting at a table talking about a God that loves us and sharing how our week has been. The food budget makes this possible.

+ Rent

Some of the most meaningful discipleship happens under a roof. Right now we are too small to own all the space we need, so we rent. This rent allows us to share the Flick Theater's space.


SDMI stands for Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International . This is our budget for Sunday School materials or any curriculum for creating God like diciples comes from this budget.

+ Tithe

The church pays 5.6% to the World Evangelism fund and we pay 10% to the Nazarene district. This is our way of showing our commitment to God.

+ Outreach

This is the budget that we want to be the largest. As we get established this will be our mission. To spend more of our money on outreach than we do our maintaining our facilities. This budget allows us to reach the community, through fun engaging events. Things like the squirrel derby, Trunk or Treat, and our annual Turkey giveaway. We exist to reach our community, through an irrational love that God has given us.

+ Utilities

This is pretty straight forward. It's the same items you have to pay for monthly. Water, sewage, internet, and electricity.


NYI stands for Nazarene Youth International. We use this budget to supplement the fundraising efforts of our youth group. They raise money to go to church camps, competitions, and sometimes to events just to kick it. In most cases they raise enough to support their self but when they don't we have their back.

+ IT/Admin

This pays for our subscriptions to things like this website. It covers background checks, printer paper, and our media control app that we use for service.

+ Benevolence

This is budget set aside for the hurt, the poor, and the needy. Whenever there is a funeral we send flowers, there is a flood we will rent an apartment. Anytime we can show other's how much we love them, we spend it out of benevolence.

+ Assets

Things like tables and chairs for our classrooms and items that we will get use out of for years to come.


We hope our transparency allows you to understand that we are a giving church. One that gives from a generosity that Jesus, our Lord & Savior, has demonstrated for us. We want you to have the opportunity to give today by clicking the button below. When you do, you'll know exactly what your money is going toward.